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Putting your child’s comfort and safety first in receiving ABA support at home

Applied behavior analysis uses a treatment approach based on empirical data, which manipulates environmental variables and consequences to seek to secure behavior change. This will increase the quality of life for the individual. Each step is carefully and individually designed for each child based on careful assessments.

A supervised behavior technician implements a comprehensive ABA treatment program in the home where environmental variables are manipulated to evoke appropriate responses. Simply put, we use the child’s preferences and the environment to increase appropriate responses while diminishing problem behaviors. Correct implementation leads to independent responses, which then leads to generalization.

These behaviors will then be shaped into more advanced behaviors. Natural environment training and discrete trial training on a consistent basis increase learning through a layered program that increase difficulty of performance over time.

Stay in Touch
Whenever you need our assistance, you can always contact us here. If you’d like to enroll your child in our programs, set an appointment today.